Thursday, September 5, 2013

Section (8) Driving a Car

Section (8) Driving a Car

Clutch and Grear

Put the car (it) in neutral
Do not hold the clutch down for so long
Now, (Step on=press)   the clutch and (put it in=shift it) into first gear
Slowly let out the clutch
Do not let out the clutch all of a sudden ,the car will jerk forward
Hold the clutch down and put the car in reverse gear 
You need to back up a little 
Back up the car out of the garage 

Brake  and Handbrake
Do not slam on the brake = Do not hit the brake 
Brake gently
You did not brake in time
Set=Pull the handbrake
Release the handbrake

Overtake and Gas
Give it a little gas(juice) =Step on it a little
Do not pass=overtake the car here,The visibility is low
You should never  pass=overtake  on a hill(while going uphill)

Do not Speed up,the road is slippery
Slow down,you are exceeding the speed limit
can you pass=overtake the truck(American)=lorry(British) before we get to that sharp bend

Wheel spinning
Do not give it so much gas=Do not race the engine=Do not race it=easy on gas  ,  The wheels are spinning

Push the car
The car would not/does not start,I have flooded the engine
I can not get the car started
Shall I push the car?

The traffic was bumper to bumper
I was=got  stuck in a traffic jam
The traffic delayed me
I was held up by the traffic

Let's take that overpass

Give a ride = Lift
Can you give me a ride(American)=lift (British) to home?
My wife usually drives me to work
I can pick you up at 7/30
Please drop me off near the park

The main road is blocked ,we will have to take the detour=byroad
We do not have to drive through the city ,we can take the belt highway(American)=Ring road(British)=Bypass

Bypass=A road that passes around a town or city rather than through the centre

No Parking sign
Not realy,I could not find a parking space,so I parked right in front of a no-parking sign
Do not park here ,There are double yellow lines

Parking meter
I found a parking space,but i did not have a coin to drop into the parking meter
You must not park here,this is a no-parking area

Is there a parking lot nearby?
I have lost my parking ticket

Have u ever had a car accident /an accident?
Yes I has a serioud accident only last year
A truck and a bus have collide near the overpass
I did not stop in time and crashed into a tree
My car hit a tree and then turned over
My car  rolled over a couple of times
My car slid and bumped into a parked station wagon
A dog ran in front of me and I had to swerve to the left
I had a head-on collision /crash with an oncoming truck
I ran over a cat last night
I ran across the street and a bus almost ran over me(ran me over)
I slammed on the brake and a motorcycle bumped into me from behind
I was almost/nearly run over by a taxi

No-standing sign
There is not a no-parking sign,it is a no standing one

U-turn sign
Are u familar with all traffic signs?
What does that sign say=mean? It says=means no U-turn

Fault....Yield right of way sign
There was no sign at the intersection,I did not know who  had the right of way
The accident was your fault,I had the right of way
That triangle means yield right of way
I was on a main street ,a car came out of a side street and turned in front of me

No left/right turn sign
That sign says no left/right turn
You can not make a left/right turn here

No entry sign
Do not turn into that street ,There is no entry sign

One way street sign
We can not turn around here,this is a one-way street

Speed limit sign
You are exceeding the speed limit
Do not go over 60,The speed limit here is 60.
I git a traffic ticket for speeding
The traffic officer fined me for doing 60 mph in a 50 mph zone
I was not doing 60.I was only doing 50

Parking on the pavement is against the regulation(prohibited)

Traffic light(American)=Traffic light (British)
There is no traffic light at the intersection=crossroad(s)
Traffic lights regulate the traffic
I was in a great hurry ,I went through all the red lights
I was fined because I ran a red light

The right light is blinking ,what does it mean?
A blinking redl light means that u have to come to a complete  stop=halt
A blinknig yellow means go but use caution

Stop sign
There is a stop sign at that T-junction

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