Applying for a job, apply
Fill in=to write all necessary information on an official document,form
Do not forget to fill in your boarding cards.
Vacancy(noun)=a job that is avaiable for someone to start doing
There are still two vacancies on the school board
We have no vacancies for engineers at the moments
The council is making every effort to fill the vacancies
Information about job vacancies
He searche the newspaper regularly for job vacancies
The other meaning of vacancy=not used room in hotel
Let me check if we have a vacancy tonight
Qualifications=certificate stating one's ability
application forms
In times of high unemployment,there are usually very many applicants when a vacancy is advertised.sometimes large numbers of people fill in and send off application forms for a single job.
It is not unusual ,in fact,for hundreds of people to apply to a firm for one post.
This number is reduced to a short list of perhaps six or eight,from whom a final choice is made when they all attend an interview.
Very possibly the people interviewing will be intrested in the qualifications the candidates gained at school or university and what experiences they have had in previous jobs.They will probebly ask for references written by the candidates' teachers and employers
Commute(verb)=regular travel
He commute Brisbane every day.
Pension(noun)=Give a regular payment to someone can not work due to old age or disability
Get/Recieve pension ...They recieved the pension
Draw the pension(recieve).....He is got another 10 years before he draws his pension
Collect the pension(recieve)....She went to post office every week to collect his pension
Pay into a pension =pay money regularly so that u will have a pension later...They have been unable to pay into a pension
Take out a pension=make arrangements to have a pension later....people were encourged to take out private pension
Superannunation=money paid as pension
Superannunation scheme=a type of pension plan that is paid for by your employer
Ambitious=have a desire to be successful
Perks(noun)=sth that u get legally from ur work in addition to ur wage (goods,meals,cars..)
theatre tickets and other perks
I only eat here because it is free -one of the perks of the job
Increments(noun)=a regular increase in the amount of money someone is paid
A salary of $20000 with annual increments of 2.5%
employer=boss,person who employs people to do work
employer liability=legal liability of an employer for the actions of his employees
employer provisions=expenses paid by an employer above the salary of his employee
Provision=supplies like food and drinks
We have enough provision for 2 weeks
Job satisfaction is important but I have a wife and baby so I have wife and baby so I have to think about money too.If a job intrests me,I need to know what salary it offers and also whether there are regular annual increases,called increments.
I want to know If I will receive a pension when I retire at the age of 60 or 65 .
If the job is selling a product ,I ask if I will receive a precentage of the value of what I sell,called Commission.
It is also important to know if there are extra advantages,like free meals or transport or free use of car.
These are called perks or fringe benefits.
Are the future prospects good?For example is there a good chance of promotion to a better job?,with more money and responsibility?if it is not,I will have to commute every day and this can be expensive.I am very keen to be successful .I am very ambitious .I do not want to stay in the same job all my life.
I am intrested in this job
What did u study at university '
He has applied to Luftansa for a job as an office manager
This job advertisment looks intresting ,I will send for an application form
Have u filled in the form yet
You must send in the form by 20 may
He has been that job for 2 years
She retired at the age of 60
A commission means u get a percerntage of what u sell
The use of a company car is a nice perk to have
The sixty applicants were reduced to a short list of four
The you a foreign English speaker and you are fed up with your current situation at work and you'd really love to change jobs?
Fed up with=Unable or unwilling to put up with sth any longer
She was fed up with their complains
I resigned because I was fed up
Are you already preparingfor a job interview and you are anxious to make the best impression possible?
Or maybe you are in the process of creating a CV so that you can start applying for relevant position?
whichever is the case,you may want to make sure you are using relevant job-seeking related phrases and expressions!If you do so,you will definitely increase your chances of getting picked for the position because you will sound just like your native English speaking counterparts
Counterpart= equivalant